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Tailored insurance cover for


Professional Indemnity Insurance

Public Liability Insurance

Property Insurance

Workers’ Compensation

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Tailored insurance for structural engineers

With our specialised solutions, you can ensure your insurance policies are tailored to your specific risks and adequately cover the broad scope of potential liabilities, from minor design errors to significant structural failures.

Risk management and insurance for structural engineers


Typical works undertaken

  1. Assess Structural Integrity
  2. Undertake Site Inspections
  3. Assess Properties of Materials
  4. Structural Design
  5. Project Management
  6. Identify Potential Risks and Hazards


Possible risks faced

  • Time pressure
  • Technical challenges
  • Liability
  • Health and safety
  • Communication challenges
  • Budget constraints
  • Changing regulations
  • Inadequate design or materials


Recommended insurance


We recommended structural engineers take out the following insurance policies.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

This type of insurance provides a safety net, protecting you against claims of negligence or inadequate design that could result in financial loss or damage to reputation.

Do you need it?

Given the high stakes of your work, where design flaws or oversights can lead to catastrophic failures, professional indemnity insurance is essential for structural engineers working across Australia.

How much do you need?

The limit of professional indemnity insurance required by a structural engineer will depend on the size and type of your business, as well as your individual requirements and risk exposure. One of our insurance brokers we will be able to determine and advise you on a suitable amount of coverage for your business.

Public Liability Insurance

This insurance covers structural engineers for damages or injury caused to third parties, such as clients or members of the public, as a result of their work.

Property Insurance

Property insurance covers structural engineers for damage or loss to their own property or equipment as a result of fire, theft or other perils.

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance covers structural engineers for injuries or illnesses employees sustain while performing their duties, providing financial support for associated medical expenses and lost wages.

Structural Engineer Risks

It is vital for structural engineers to engage an insurance broker who understand the complexities and specific risks of the profession.

Structural engineers play a critical role in shaping our built environment, ensuring the safety and durability of buildings, bridges, tunnels and other infrastructures.

For structural engineers working across Australia, professional indemnity insurance is a fundamental part of their risk management strategy – whether you are engaged in the design of new structures, the assessment and renovation of existing ones, or providing expert advice on construction projects.

It not only protects you against legal and financial risks, but also enhances commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety and professionalism.

By ensuring robust protection through professional indemnity insurance, you can focus on your role in creating safe, reliable and innovative structures, knowing you are supported by comprehensive risk management.

Insurance advice you can trust

Engineer specific policies

We have access to tailored insurance policies suitable for structural engineers.

Quick up front pricing

We can provide an instant price estimation for insurance cover for your activities.

Multiple quotes

For more complex engineering activities, we can source additional insurance quotes.

We work for YOU

As an insurance broker, we work for you, not the insurance companies.

Award Winning Insurance Brokers

We work for you, not the insurers.

Our job is to find you a competitive insurance option for your business. Complete the insurance quote form to get started.

Our Insurance Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of a structural engineer?

Structural engineers design, assess and maintain the structural integrity of buildings, bridges, tunnels and other infrastructure. They are responsible for ensuring that structures are safe, stable and capable of withstanding various environmental and physical stresses.

What types of risks do structural engineers face in their work?

Structural engineers face various risks on a daily basis, including technical challenges, liability, health and safety risks, communication challenges, budget constraints and changing regulations.

Why is professional indemnity insurance important for structural engineers?

Professional indemnity insurance protects structural engineers against claims of professional negligence or mistakes, and provides financial support to cover the costs of defending against such claims.

What types of incidents does professional indemnity insurance cover for structural engineers?

Professional indemnity insurance typically covers incidents related to structural engineer’s professional services, such as design errors or omissions, failure to meet codes and regulations and failure to properly oversee the construction process.

Is professional indemnity insurance required by law for structural engineers?

In Australia, structural engineers are required to have professional indemnity insurance as a condition of practicing their profession.

How much professional indemnity insurance should a structural engineer have?

The amount of professional indemnity insurance that a structural engineer should have depends on various factors, including the nature and scope of their work, the size of their business, and their potential exposure to claims. It is advisable to consult with an insurance broker or professional to determine the appropriate coverage amount.

What happens if a structural engineer does not have professional indemnity insurance?

Without professional indemnity insurance, a structural engineer is exposed to significant financial risks and may be forced to bear the costs of defending against claims of professional negligence or mistakes. This can have a significant impact on their finances and reputation, and can even lead to bankruptcy or loss of license to practice.

What is the process for making a claim under a structural engineer's professional indemnity insurance policy?

The process for making a claim under a structural engineer’s professional indemnity insurance policy typically involves reporting the incident to the insurance carrier and providing any relevant information and documentation. The insurance carrier will then assess the claim and provide support as necessary, including legal representation and financial compensation for damages.

What are the benefits of having professional indemnity insurance for structural engineers?

The benefits of having professional indemnity insurance for structural engineers include financial protection against claims of professional negligence or mistakes, peace of mind, and the ability to continue their work with confidence. It also helps to maintain their reputation and standing in the industry by demonstrating their commitment to professionalism and responsible practice.

Specialist engineer insurance brokers

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